Business Benefits


As well as demonstrating that you are an ’employer of choice’, supporting returnees has real financial and reputational benefits for your organisation.

Reduce the cost of long term absence

Over 30% of all sickness absence results from long term absence and cancer represents a significant cause. It makes good business sense to support an employee affected by cancer – it saves time and money on recruitment and you get to retain an experienced team members.

Keep on the right side of the law

People with cancer are protected by law in numerous ways from the point of diagnosis for the rest of their lives. Awards made against employers found guilty of discrimination are uncapped. Protect your company reputation and help your managers to get it right. Carers are also covered by the law – it’s important that staff know how.

Be an employer of choice

If you were diagnosed with cancer, are you confident that you would be treated well, despite, say, long lasting side effects affecting your concentration or ability to work long hours?

Educating managers and creating policies around cancer and work will help you to boost staff morale, foster a culture of engagement and benefit your reputation as a caring employer.

Helping employees get back to their new normal

For the employee, returning to work often helps to promote recovery and get them back on the road to their new normality. Work contributes to their financial independence, gives a structure to their daily routine and provides them with a sense of purpose.